I came to FBCO in early 2000 after being called into the Ministry as a laymen practicing Respiratory Therapy at a local hospital and teaching at MSSU. My wife Wendy and I have 3 children.
God IS the God of all comfort and mercy and IS the God that takes the 'guttermost' and transforms them into the 'uttermost' because that is my testimony. God decided to use a broken and empty man to take the Gospel to those who the world had given up on, As a pastor, my ministry philosophy can be expressed by: "God will take your mess, use it as His message to magnify Himself as He uses you to minister to others."
I came to FBCO in the middle of 2007. I was called into the ministry after several years of going through my “Jonah Complex”. Tracy and I have two daughters, Taylor and Sydney.
I think the biggest things that God has taught me is that my life is not about me, that first it is always about him and then others. Secondly, that he wants us to think and talk about him all day, everyday. We are to give up everything for him as it says in Luke 9:23: “Then He said to them all, “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” This is where I believe we should be in our lives.
Why student ministry? Well I started out as a Pastor of a small congregation and it was great but I also worked with the youth of the church. God took that and led me to help young people know what God wants from their lives. To teach them and guide them in living out the verse I talked about before, plus God made me just plain crazy I guess.