Sunday Bible Studies


F.U.E.L. Youth

Women's Ministry

Men's Ministry

Wed. Nite Menu

Get Connected

According to Webster's Dictionary, one of the definitions of the word "Get" is to become strongly involved or interested.  Webster also gives the word "connected" the definition as, "to join or link." Both words are action-oriented.  Plug yourself into one, or more of the many opportunities at FBCO.

It's perfectly natural to want to become involved once you get acquainted with a church or group of people. However, a lot of people don't get involved because they don't know how or don't know what's available. We don't want that here!  We would love to get to know you and establish a relationship with you, to help you when needed, to be a listening ear and to be a friend.

Statistics say that the reason most people don't give or get involved is because they're not asked. With that in mind, consider this your open invitation to be part of what God is doing here at FBCO.